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5 Fun Ways To Keep Your Children Entertained This Summer

Finding summertime activities to keep their children engaged and entertained is a challenge that many parents face as the school year draws to an end. Kids may easily get…

A Child’s Perspective of TV Shows, Movies, Video Games, and…

Screen time is good for a child's development, but parents must create the right balance to ensure a healthy lifestyle for young children. With technology influencing…

Transforming Lives: The Impact of Foster Care

Foster care is a critical support system that provides temporary or long-term care for children and young people who are unable to live with their birth families. Foster…

Causes And factors For A High Risk Pregnancy

Pregnancies are normally an upbeat time that the hopeful mother should appreciate. She gets showered with affection and consideration which is the feature of any pregnant…

Stylish Fall Accessories

Accessories are the icing on the cake and can really make or break an outfit. Scarves: Scarves can really help to enhance an outfit by adding that fresh pop of color to…

What Is Heuristic Play In Childcare, And Why Is It Important?

Heuristic play is a term coined by Elinor Goldschmied and Sonia Jackson, both psychologists and social workers in their book People Under Three. It sounds more complex…

Our Montessori-inspired Art Space

At the beginning of this year, before my daughter turned 2, I started creating this Art Space for her. She was showing a growing interest for drawing and she loved…

Benefits Of Hiring Soft Play

Soft play hire is a fantastic way to keep your little ones entertained and active. It is also a great way for you to spend time with your family and friends. Here are…

How Fostering A Child Can Change Their Life

Foster care is the temporary care of children who are in danger of being removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. The goal is to give a child a…

Pregnancy Testing: First, Second, And Third Trimester

: Provided by International Surrogacy Center

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Causes And factors For A High Risk Pregnancy

Pregnancies are normally an upbeat time that the hopeful mother should appreciate. She gets showered with affection and consideration which is the feature of any pregnant lady's life. Most pregnancies pass by with no serious issues and the child is…